Located at Penn Hillel, serving a fully Glatt kosher menu.
Falk at Penn Hillel
215 S 39th Street
All-you-care-to-eat, Kosher options, Green2Go, Made-to-order options
Home at Hillel
All food is prepared Glatt kosher and under the supervision of the Community Kashrus of Greater Philadelphia. We welcome Penn students as well as members of the surrounding community to enjoy the amazing cuisine and sense of community that you will experience when you dine at Falk Dining Cafe.
- Kosher Dining
- Shabbat Dinners and Cholent Lunches
- Holiday Observances
- Meals To-go
- Salad Bar
- Comfort Foods
- Made Without Gluten Options
- Vegetarian and Vegan friendly
Upcoming Events
- Mar 4 | 6:00 pm
Penn Cooks: Women's History Month
- 1920 Commons
- English House
- Falk at Penn Hillel
- Hill House
- Lauder College House
- Quaker Kitchen
- Mar 25 | 11:00 am
Dine Well, Eat Smart
- 1920 Commons
- English House
- Falk at Penn Hillel
- Hill House
Community-Centric Dining
Across from Hamilton Field inside Steinhardt Hall, under the banner of Hillel, there are over 40 different student communities and initiatives that create over 300 events per month. Falk at Penn Hillel is the center of Jewish life on campus.
Meet the Team for Falk at Penn Hillel
Each location has a dedicated team of staff members and chefs, working together daily to ensure high-quality, fresh meals, and a friendly environment to enjoy.
Jason Ewen
Chef Manager